Hackbright Academy
Hackbright had began as HackStar academy, right after the first class of Dev Bootcamp. I had been running beginner courses in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and a few more advanced courses in Backbone and Ember at Girl Develop It, and was starting to see people who had taken all the courses I'd offered get hired as junior developers. I wanted to start my own program, but Hackbright (as it was about to rebrand) was in a position to succeed wildly or fail spectacularly without someone that with deep technical and educational experience. I joined Hackbright and with an all-star team, we built one of the biggest brands in immersive education, and we taught women exclusively. It was one of the most valuable experiences of my career. I learned a lot about mentorship, and a lot of about myself. I learned Python by teaching it, leaving me with the impression that the best way to learn something is by teaching it. I learned marketing, did a lot of business development, and built out a pedagogical structure before moving on.
Hackbright sold to Capella for 18 million dollars on the strength of the brand that we built, and I'm proud of the work that was done while I was there.